Case detail:
C/C : back pain, lower limb weakness, difficulty in standing and walking
history: 33/F wheel chair bound patient admitted to private hospital in Surat. investigation has been done diagnosed with
Diagnosis: Koch’ s spine D3 with epidural abcess+compression myelopathy
patient has been advised for surgery
post surgery pt referred to a physiotherapist
pt decided to stay in Surat for rehabilitation purpose. customised rehabilitation plan made according to patient’s examination.
started from mat activities then gradually progressss to walker → KAF0→b/l elbow crutch → tripod stick → independent walking.
Video - case history
It took 1 year to make this patient functional independent.
Team of
1 neurosurgeon
1 spinal suregon
1 physician
3 physiotherapist
good nursing care
Family’s support
Pt’s determination
And 365 days of #Rehabilitation
MMT Grade 0/5 to 4/5
Case detail -
now patient will be referred to Opd base treatment and necessary assistance will be given so that patient can resume her job.
*before publishing this content consent has been taken from the patient.